Almost everyone seems to like the page STAND WITH ANNA HAZARE. They say they have liked all anti corruption facebook pages, followed relevant twitters & watched all prime time news discussions and they feel that they have contributed enough for the elimination of corruption from India. Is elimination of Corruption so easy? If it’s so then, after so many “Like”ings will India be a corruption free country on Monday morning, because according to them each Like is a contribution to the strive of making India corruption free. Will all these virtual world virtual contributions eliminate corruption? The answer is a big “NO”.
All these virtual world activities can never eliminate corruption, because when it comes to the real world we all are a part of, or sometime have been a part of it. One man in this big country can never eliminate something which is now deep in everybody’s skin.
Should we not stand-up against corruption in real world, and take some real steps?
If we all can stand up together in the virtual world by supporting all the good causes there, we can definitely, and we should stand up against corruption together in real world as well.
If everyone who is against corruption starts refraining from being a part of it, only then we would be able to fight against corruption and eliminate it.
Kindly visit my blog for a post on the same topic:
comments appreciated!